Naturally helping to detoxify and loosen tight muscles
Cupping has become a headline-making therapy in the last few years thanks to Olympic athletes using all its benefits in their recovery. Is is a big part of Chinese medicine in which local suction is created on the skin in order to mobilize blood and promote healing. It is a sort of inverse massage - pulling skin, muscle and tissue upward into the cup which can be made of glass, bamboo, rubber or plastic.
This process releases rigid soft muscle, loosens connective tissue, breaks up stagnation and increases blood flow and lymph flow to skin and muscles. The negative pressure created is great for myofascial release and deep tissue massage, bring stagnant blood, toxins, and pathogens to the surface where the lymphatic system can remove it more easily.
It is great for relaxing stubborn knots and rigid tissues, as well as facilitating absorption of topicals such as essential oils and moisturizer deeper into the tissues. Another added benefit is that it feels great! By engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, it induces deep relaxation and is not unusual to fall asleep during treatment.
Types of Cupping Therapy:
Massage therapy
Cellulite treatment
TMJ and sinus relief
Facial cupping - can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as lift facial muscles
Biomagnetic field cupping - restores normal cellular vibrations to promote body-mind health
Abdominal cupping - stretches the walls of the organs helping expel stagnant waste and mucus and promote the overall activity of digestion.
Orthopedic cupping - helps open up and release joints, connective tissue and muscles
Sports cupping - increase muscle endurance, circulation, lung capacity and draw out toxins. Olympic swimmers receive cupping in order to draw out toxins that have absorbed from the pools they are in. Helps enhance overall performance, agility and recovery time.
Detoxifying treatments
Lymphatic drainage
What Does It Feel Like?
You will feel a tight sensation over the area but this is usually relaxing and soothing. Just as a massage can be a little tender, but feels good at the same time.
What Are the Marks Left?
There can be dark circles left behind that resemble a bruise, but are non-painful. This discoloration is stagnant blood, old lymph fluid and toxins that have been raised to the surface.
How Long Do They Last?
, which will go away anywhere between a few hours to about 10 days, depending on how much dead cellular material is in your system. Over time, the more treatments you receive, the less likely it is for these marks to appear.
Is It Safe?
When done by a well trained practitioner (which I am certified from the International Cupping Therapy Association) it is very safe!
Where Are the Cups Placed?
They can be used on most parts of the body, including the face and feet (we never leave marks on the face), depending on where the pain is. We tend to store a lot of stress and cellular debri in the back, so that is common area. The cups can be slid around using coconut oil or left in place.
How Long Are Treatments?
Treatments can last anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes. At the beginning, we do shorter treatments in order to not pull out too much dead cellular material that can overwhelm your body's cleaning system, causing you to feel run down and maybe even a headache.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
It depends! Depending on how tight your muscles are and how long you have been dealing with symptoms, longer standing symptoms take more treatments. When used on its own, most patients schedule on an "as needed" frequency.

Your Initial Consultation is Always Free of Charge. Come in to Talk About Your Specific Case and Whether Acupuncture is a Good Fit for Your Goals.
Or, give me a call or text at 954-652-6618 and I will be happy to answer any questions.

Cupping is used as part of the acupuncture treatments, but can also be used as a stand alone treatment
Initial Consultation
Half-hour, free of charge session where we go over your case and goals, the treatment process and answer any questions you may have. This is to make certain treatment meets your expectations and that there is a high probability of success for you. I can also give you a better idea of how many treatments you may need.
Detailed Intake & Treatment Plan
At the end of the consultation we will decide if we move forward and schedule your full intake appointment (1.5 to 2 hours). This is when we do a detailed assessment of your symptom pattern, medical history and a short physical exam to determine the root cause, which allows me to create a specific treatment plan for you. After this assessment, you will have your first treatment.
Active Treatment & Symptom Reduction
You will then return for weekly appointments for roughly 2 to 8 weeks to make sure we are getting results as they relate to your medical condition. Once your symptoms have stabilized we move on to the next step. Although rare, if we have not gotten any relief in your symptoms by the fourth or fifth treatment, we will discuss whether to continue moving forward or to recommend other forms of treatment outside my office.
Stabilizing Symptoms & Maintenance
This usually occurs between the 6th and 12th treatment. As long as your symptoms do not creep up between treatments, we can space them farther and farther apart. Initially you will come every other week, then once a month and then whenever you feel you need a tune up or if you have another issue arise in the future. Although, many of my patients wish to continue with ongoing maintenance treatments or for general stress relief.
Taking Care of Your Friends & Family
Many of my patients are referred to me by past patients who have felt much better after feeling the true healing of acupuncture and who want their loved ones to also benefit from my work. I look forward to helping your friends, family members and coworkers on their journey to a pain-free, more joyful, prosperful life.